Dr. Frank E. Stranges - Guidelines for Spiritual Living(from the book Outwitting Tomorrow by Dr. Frank E. Stranges and Valiant Thor) There are five departments of life, symbolized by the five-pointed star. They are the Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Social and Financial. The powers that cause us to do great things from little beginnings are zeal, fervor and enthusiasm. The Secret of Silence enables us to retain enthusiasm for our aims and plans. In order to dissipate unwanted desires, we talk them out or use the writing-out exercise. All the good we are doing and we are going to do must be done in the now, exercising reason, will and judgment in everything. Knowing that both great and terrible things are coming, we should not be fearful of the future if we remember that we are working with Destiny. We must live in a constant state of expectancy, anticipating many good things. We will live in this frame of mind so absolutely that we will not be surprised when good things do come, but will be exceedingly thankful. Realize that everything we do and think is inspired by the White Forces. We will do what we can, wherever we are, with whatever we have. Expect great changes in every department of our lives. We will work secretly as well as openly, realizing that a good deed done secretly often accomplishes much more than a larger one done publicly. We welcome information, understanding and teaching from every source, knowing that whatever is good is brought to us by the White Forces and we will use our gift of discernment to determine the value and truth of all sourcesof information. Eliminate from our minds fear, hatred, revenge, jealousy, bigotry and all such evils. They cannot be carried into the New Day. We will always remember that love is the greatest force in the universe for good in the world. Although we are incapable of loving everyone now, we will gain in ability as we push out the five points of our individual star. Always remember to work with the “construction gang” and never with the “wrecking crew.” Faith and a good conscience are your weapons against evil. Because you have been tempted to turn away from The Path and have chosen to stay on course, you are able to help others who are tempted to do so. Encourage one another. Do not allow your heart to become hardened by the reactions of others whom you are trying to teach these lessons for their own benefit.
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